Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Morning Drink That is Hurting Your Teeth

One of my favorite things to do is wake up happy.  The issue is that it is really hard to do in reality and most of us in the United States end up working out different ways to boost our morning energy.  So how do most mornings start for the average American adult? It is safe to say that most adults start the day off with a cup or five of their favorite type of coffee.  Most coffee shops are still thriving due to the massive amount of coffee that is consumed on a daily basis.  Even with the pandemic, this is the one thing that most people cannot give up.  Many people are drinking 3 or more cups of coffee every single day.  With all the coffee being consumed lots of people are concerned with what this drink is actually doing to their health.  Specifically, teeth are a big issue when it comes to coffee and health there are some things we need to talk about.

Now Coffee is definitely not all bad and it has been shown that coffee can actually have some health benefits.  Generally, it gets the stigma being the major reason that staining teeth happens and causing nothing but issues in the long run.  Coffee has been shown in studies to actually fight tooth decay.  That is really surprising and it even shocks me. Coffee through studies actually fights tooth decay.  This is a great positive note because at the end that can allow you to keep your teeth longer and not have nearly as many needed dentist visits.  This is something that I would bring up with your dentist and see what works well for you.

But we all know that on the flip side of the spectrum coffee is actually acidic and can really eat away at your teeth if you let it.  The acid in a way kills the bacteria that is in your mouth which does help fight tooth decay, but the extra acid can also damage your dental health as well.  It has been noted that eating while having coffee, especially food that has extra fiber in it is a way to mitigate the negative effects.  So if you have coffee in the morning try to drink it when you are eating breakfast.  Or like many Americans, breakfast is no longer a part of their diet, so if you have it later in the day or mid-morning try to have a small snack with it. There are simply some things you should look out for.

There is one other thing you should think about when drinking coffee and that is that it can really stain your teeth.  Many people notice that their teeth turn yellow the more they drink coffee.  This is because the dark pigments in coffee actually attach to the enamel in your teeth and do turn it yellow over time. Not even adding cream to your coffee will help with the yellowing effect either.  Just because the coffee looks brighter does not mean the pigments are still not in the coffee. So don’t fall for the old wives' tale about cream whitening or mitigating the yellowing of coffee staining. It is smart to drink some water after drinking coffee though. Rinsing your mouth will help eliminate the dark pigments so keep on rinsing.  

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